There are many different avenues that this question could be asked or answered. For simplicity, we will analyze who are the fastest athletes of Track and Field and do they share a similar Race?

What is speed?

In the world of Athletics, the most vital currency is speed. Seconds are measured in fractions; victories are measured on the length of strides. Unparalleled speed brings out the dominance of athletes. Sprinting the primordial power of athleticism going back to ancient civilizations. Sprinting can be dubbed as the epitome of athleticism.

The dominant race on the track

If one were to magnify the ingredients of a great athlete, the main lusted ingredient would be speed. It is in essence the universal criteria for all sports. Whether it is swimming, football, martial arts or any other sport, speed is the vital force that is needed. Speed is the winning factor, and to this, we would like to draw attention to the dominance of Black Athletes.


Running over centuries has evolved into a competitive sport but in a sense, it hasn’t changed the very nature of running is winning; the act of beating something be it time or a person.

Running is one of nature’s own sport. It requires nothing other than for you to show up and run. The fabric of Athletics is diverse in the aspects of race, culture, developmental training, and societal shift; but there is one thing that remains constant throughout history and that is the dominance of African genetics in sprinting.

If we were to look at the Olympics, the marker of Athletics here on Earth most if not all the Athletic events have continuously been won by a black man. The statistics will show that even though they differ on nationality the common denominator of the winners of Athletics is that they are black.

The Caribbean success

Jamaica an island of less than three million people has managed to capture the attention of the globe when it comes to their athletes and it’s seismic impact. Athletes from this Caribbean nation have rewritten records with their legs. They have reshaped the narrative on the track with their dominance time after time in sprinting.

Out of Many One People

 Jamaica can be seen as an island of multiple ethnicities, an immigration melting pot in some senses; but to be chosen to represent such this nation one must be the best of the best; the Jamaican Team is said to be one of the hardest Athletic Sprint teams to make. So, it is important that we highlight the dominance of the African gene when it comes to sprinting and the Jamaican Athletic Teams; historically the best ones are the Black ones, and they are the ones who get selected.

One could almost not see the significance of this but if one were to break down to the last six Olympic games all the finals of sprint races were dominated by Jamaican Black athletes in both categories of women and men.

Caribbean Representation

The Athletes from Jamaica single handled been the dominant force throughout the Caribbean and around the globe. However, we can look even beyond Jamaica, and to the entire Caribbean as a region, countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and Grenada just to name a few; When it comes to the sprint events at the Olympic level these are the representatives lining up.

We can even be bold enough to say in a sprint Olympic final it is very rare that all the competitors and the winners are Black. Black athletes from the Caribbean nations have simply dominated sprinting. There is significant athletic power in Melanin.

United States Olympic Teams

The Olympic Games originated over 3000 years ago and have been a marked celebration of athleticism, and a symbol of global unity for centuries. If the African race can be seen as the dominant competitors when it comes to sprinting; The United States should be seen as the dominating country when it comes to winning.

The Us Olympic Success

The United States has consistently demonstrated undisputed success when it comes to being the best at the Olympics. The United States has collected more gold medals than any other country. The United States also boast the pride of winning more Olympic Games more than any other country. The United States remains the country to beat in almost all Olympic events and when it comes to sprinting, their dominance can be rivaled with no other country with the exception of Jamaica, a small island. The Athletes who make the cut to be a part of the United States Olympic team have for decades been predominantly and overwhelming Black especially when discussing athletics and specifically sprinting; the United Sates representatives have been men and women of African descent.

There has been 16 Olympic Games from 1960 to 2021. If we were to look at the marque event of sprinting the 100m event. The Unites States have won 6 out of the 16 Men’s100M titles and Jamaica has won 3 of those titles. The United States has simply dominated the sprints. The Olympic 100M title comes around every four years as the marque competition of sprinting crowning the fastest man and woman in the world.  

A Specific Similarity

On the Women’s side the United States has won The Olympic 100M title 7 times and Jamaica has won it 4 times, we can clearly see here once again the dominance of the United States on the world stage, and we are also reminded of the significance of talent in The Caribbean.  What ties these champions together is not only their dominance in speed the countries they support; another significant similarity is the color of their skin.


Who is the Fastest Man and Woman?

Olympic Title

For The Men’s 100M the title that crowns the World’s Fastest Man, 11 out of the last 16 Olympic Games has the title gone to an Athlete of African descent. 11 out of those 16 times a man of African descent has won. When discussing The Women’s 100M the title that crowns the World’s Fastest Woman the similarities remain distinct, the dominance just as auspicious. An African woman has won the title 11 times; 11 times a Woman of African descent has won.

World Athletic Rankings

World Athletics is the governing body for the sport of athletics and track and field. They are accountable for the standardization of rules such as the management of world records. The data provided by World Athletics overwhelming supports the claim black people are faster. The top 10 fastest men and women of all time share the similarity of African genetics and of African descent

Investment In African Athletes

All around the world the dominance of Africans is shown when discussing athleticism. In almost every sport the greats have always been Black, those with darker complexion, those of African descent. They not only succeed in the United States but exceed at sports in all most evert country across the globe. However, for the sole purposes of this Blog we will stick to track. Due to the poor socioeconomic status of some countries on the continent of Africa, many athletes of African descent choose to be representative of global superpower countries to advance their economic status and wellbeing in life. Many African Athletes are a part of the global diaspora and represent birth countries though they are Africans. The reasons differ varingly as to why African Athletes represent countries that are not Africa nations but what a consistent similarity is no matter what country they do represent whether that country is African or not, their dominance and superiority in Athletics shines.

These global superpowers have realized how profitable it o can be to invest in black athletes.


Qatar boast itself as one of the globes most wealthy and innovative modern countries, with the ethnic population predominantly Qataris and Arabs.  The African population in Qatar is less than 5% categorized as a part of ethnic census according to USA state department website that list all the major ethnic nationalities that can be found in Qatar. Africans and or Black was not a part of this census. This is remarkable finding because Qatar’s 4 Olympic Athletic medals, all four of the winners were Black and of African descent.


Bahrain like Qatar has a very minute African population. According to USA intelligence data only 1.4 % of Bahrain’s population is African, yet all 4 of Bahrain’s Athletic Olympic medals has been won by Africans. 4 women of African descent have provided Bahrain with their only athletic victories.

Other Investors

Other countries, those that are considered global powerhouse countries such as The United States, Great Britain, Canada, and France have all witnessed and benefited from the amazing success of Africans representing them. Majority of their victories when in comes to Athletics have been by Athletes of African Descent.

Representation and Recognition

Representation and recognition matter when it comes to the advertisement of diversity, when the color of your skin carries such a history from systemic battles, recognition of the dominance of African gene is paramount and of grave significance. Recognition and representation are cornerstones in influencing and inspiring the future generations.  The dominance and success of Black Athletes in Athletics is unmatched and even more in deoth analysis than this blog can present.

What does the Mother think?

The dominance and success of Black Athletes in Athletics is unmatched and even more in death analysis than this blog can present. As we navigate ourselves throughout history of Athletics and springing, the statistics are resounding. The fastest humans in history consistently have been humans of African descent. This blog serves as a celebration of their unparalleled achievements in Sprinting and the art of speed. This blog has only scratched the surface of the enduring dominance of Africans in Track and Field. The continued dominance of African in Athletics Is a testament of resilience that has formed a legacy that inspires and redefine the limits of human potential on the track.