THE OCTOBER SURPRISE:The Democrats Have A Problem…People Think They Are Nasty.

THE OCTOBER SURPRISE:The Democrats Have A Problem…People Think They Are Nasty.

The Democratic Party of The United States find itself facing a major problem and it is their identity… people think that they are nasty.There is a common consensus circulating amongst the minds of a certain subset of our population, who find themselves confused about what exactly The Democratic Party represents. The identity of the Democrats has been a festering crisis; a problem they now helplessly cannot fix, a problem that for many election cycles they have overlooked and so the mother predicts a wave for the 2024 US Presidential Election, a red wave in favor of The Republicans. The votes will pour in red and filled with emotions. It is only then I’m afraid will the Democrats understand. It is not Trump vs Harris, it’s the Democrats that people do not want. They dislike their policies, they are seen to have no moral standards, it is the Democratic Party itself that people are rejecting.

Trump Vs Harris?

In a sense the The Democrats have forfeited their chance to be represented. Kamala Harris was placed and not elected, the mother sees this as a vital decision and one that will come back to bite them in the back. They are proclaimed to be the party of the people, the party of the working class, the party of the small folk but the population has changed and many do not believe this; what they managed to have done instead, is misread the emotions of common men. They have misunderstood the theme of the 2024 Presidential Election.

Though former President Trump cannot be viewed as anything close to a great choice, people do not care, they see HIM as the lesser evil.This is the vitriolic extreme of the crisis the Democrats are in, concerning their identity. A rambling, baffling, crooked, former president who despite being under multiple investigation, a major subset of the population who would rather pick him.

They see him as “real” and to some extent maybe he is struggling like them, some may even be felons themselves, but they see him as relatable, atleast human… this is what the Democratic Party is fighting against. Simply put, it isn’t about Trump VS Harris; it is The Democratic Party that polls will show the people have rejected. They have misread the theme, they have misread people’s emotions and people do not like their policies.

The Rebellion

The Rebellion will come in red votes, not for Trump but against Harris. We are at a crucial point is our consciousness, a reality some of us may or may not accept but this does exist to some. It is a pivotal point were humans are choosing how they wish to be represented, an individuals identity is more important now so more than ever because we live in a time where we all can be seen. People are asking the questions: What and who am I connected to? How am I seen? What do I stand for? and Who represents me?

These are vital questions one must understand to analyze the problem that the democrats face; that their party’s identity is associated and identified with indoctrination, conformity, sexual perversions, mental confusion, injustice and immorality….There is a major subset of the population, that i have earlier alluded to, some of them may even say The Democrats are ungodly; but most will simply identify them as nasty.

And so the mother sees a rebellion, The Red Wave, votes hot and filled with emotions.

A Good Spokesperson

The prior former President Barrack Obama was recently out campaigning for VP Kamala Harris; The goal- to use his favorability to gain and muster up the ” black vote” vote of African Americans.The prior former president has also stated on record, that the energy and turnout for the Democrats compared to previous elections has been less ” we have not seen the same kind of energy and turnout” but what the prior former president doesn’t understand is that he himself, is apart of the Democratic Identity crisis and so he is no longer an ideal spokesperson for the Democratic candidate.

Though the prior former president have many positive highlights and policies that can be seen as good during his two term political career some of his major political victories are identified with immorality. The popular former president can also be associated with elite friends who may be viewed as ungodly, friends who have been found guilty of participating in heinous activities. To his defense , the prior former president as we know it is innocent; however it is those birds that he flocks with.

President Barrack Obama with hip-hop rapper Jay-Z and Billionaire Richard Branson

Barrack Obama also ran and presented himself as a ” Black Man”, ” the Black President” but most feel he didn’t actually do anything for Blacks. At least not as concrete as some of his other policies; and to those who will shout ” he tried” it is a general consensus, among this subset I have spoken about, that Obama just did not do enough for the Black people. So, now when he comes charging out to campaign with his popularity the Black voters now view him as the Half -Black Man who couldn’t manage to represent and they’re then reminded of him and his rich, elite, immoral friends.

To be fair also, the Obama’s are a pair, and Mrs Obama should be able to laud her high approval rating and her impressive popularity; though people may love and admire her and view her as a woman who has shattered many glass ceilings she herself too is surrounded by immorality. An advocate and an evangelist of the sexual transitioning and the chemical castration of children, Mrs. Obama I’m afraid will not be able to help turnout many votes. People are confused as to what exactly does the Democrats represent. The Democratic Party has a major festering crisis regarding their identity.

It is ok for you reader, to think the mother’s eye is wrong; I warn you a major subset of the population, views the democratic identity as nasty and using the prior former President Obama and his popular First Lady as campaign spokesperson will not do much against The Red Wave Of Rebellion.

The Red Wave

The wave is coming and the thing is, there is nothing the democrats can do now that will help. Some may say it is misogny, it is because she is a woman why VP Kamala Harris doesn’t have the support. This I am afraid, is another misrepresented opinion of the left. The Vice President herself has a problem with her identity, but the more potent issue is no one asked for her; she was placed and not elected. The polls may not accurately reflect, there is a major subset of the population who are rejecting the former VP and the entire Democratic Party.

And so the mother sees a rebellion, The Red Wave, votes hot and filled with emotions. People are fighting for what is right, who to be, what to believe and how they should be identified and they think the Democrats are nasty.

With the 2024 US Presidential election only three weeks; This is the October Surprise: The Democrats have found themselves in a helpless situation with a problem they cannot fix; The cloud has already been cast. The election is not Trump VS Harris, it is the Democratic Party that is being rejected. With only three weeks, how will the democrats change there approach? Is it even feasibly for them to win?

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